
シロヨモギとフクドは、ともにキク科Artemisia属に属している近縁種である。前者は海岸砂丘の内陸側に、後者は塩性湿地にのみ分布する。海岸砂丘と塩性湿地の間の環境条件の最も明確な違いは、土壌塩分濃度である。ちなみに海岸砂丘内陸側の土壌塩分濃度は、おおむね10 mM前後、塩性湿地のそれは数百 mMであることが知られている(例:Mariko et al., 1992)。このため、上述の2種の植物の明確な分布域の違いは、土壌塩分に対する反応パターンの種間差が原因の一つであるという仮説がたてられる。本研究の目的は、シロヨモギとフクドの発芽時と初期生長時における土壌塩分に対する反応パターンを明らかにし、それによりこの仮説を検証することである。
発芽実験(0, 20, 100, 500 mM NaCl処理)において、フクドでは少なくとも100 mMまではほとんど最終発芽率の低下がなかったのに対して、シロヨモギでは100 mMで0 mMの約半分まで最終発芽率が低下した。生長解析(0, 100, 300 mM NaCl処理)において、フクドの相対生長速度(RGR)は全処理区で一定であったのに対し、シロヨモギのRGRは100, 300 mMで有意に低下した。以上の結果から、シロヨモギはフクドよりも塩分耐性が低いこと明らかになり、冒頭の仮説は支持されたようである。

Artemisia stelleria and A. fukudo are kin species but are distributed in different habitats separately. A. stelleria is distributed in inland sites in dune regions, whereas A. fukudo is in salt marshes in Japan. Generally speaking, soil water salinity is the most pronounced environmental condition characterizing the differences between dunes and salt marshes. For instance, soil water salinity in dune regions is around 10 mM NaCl, whereas that in salt marshes is ranged in several hundreds mM (e.g. Mariko et al., 1992). Thus, it is easily hypothesized that, in the two coastal plants, the difference of the distribution patterns is due to the difference of the response patterns . So, the objective of the present study is to test the above-mentioned hypothesis, studying the salt tolerance of the two species in the two life stages of seed germination and seedling growth.
In germination experiments with 0, 20, 100 and 500 mM NaCl, germination of A. fukudo was not depleted by 100 mM, whereas that of A. stelleria was reduced by half by the 100 mM treatment. Also, growth analysis with 0, 100, and 300 mM NaCl showed that relative growth rate (RGR) in A. fukudo did not differ among the salt treatments, whereas that in A. stelleria was reduced by the 100 and 300 mM treatments. These results seem to confirm the hypothesis.
There is another problem rises up from the present results. Why A. fukudo, a plant with more salt-tolerant than A. Stelleria, cannot be distributed in dune regions? Because the environmental conditions in dune regions are very likely to fluctuate, the synchronous germination in A. fukudo may be one of the causes. In the germinating experiments, A. fukudo reached their final germination percent of 90 % within 5 days, whereas A. stelleria did 15 days after sowing.


All right reserved by S.-I. Ishikawa